Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Film Art Event

I saw Tiny Furniture at the Nickelodeon Theatre.
In the establishing shot of the film, Aura the main character is in a large city. The time is in the 21st century and she seems to have an artsy style of clothing. Aura appears to be in some sort of slump by the way she dresses and her lack of interest in her weight and hairstyle. She doesn't wear any/much make-up at all. She is moving in with her sister and mother. This set the stage for my experience as a person who possibly will change/grow throughout the movie. The movie has a comical side as well as we watch her trying to become this person she wants to be.
Special camera angles I noticed throughout the film were ones similar to that of the angle on the poster shown above. A view from the ground. Her mother, a photographer, is usually the one capturing angles like this because she photographs tiny furniture as a career.
The film was an hour and forty minutes long. Honestly, I didn't really get anything out of it. It is about Aura, a 22 year old woman who moved back home after college and got a degree in film making. She has a few very strange youtube videos but that is the extent of her film career. It seemed to me that the meaning of the film was a woman reverting back to her childhood life/fantasies after being away at college. It looked to me like a "mid-mid life crisis" the one that can be experienced after not knowing what to do when you get your degree. One of the final scenes in the movie I found extremely disturbing. Aura and this man that she worked with have sex in a tube at night in the middle of a road while high on marijuana. It was hard to watch and I felt like this was not something she was striving for during the movie.
The roles of the characters were played very well. Each of them were quirky in their own way. They were very convincing. The music fit the movie really well. It sounded like the sound track from Little Miss Sunshine to me. The music was by teddy banks. I feel it supported the theme of the movie. The genre of the film was a coming-of-age mixed with documentary filming styles. 
As I mentioned before the film's message was unclear to me. In total I would say the message is about how difficult one may find it to move on after graduating from college. And losing your way and returning to old, childish tendencies.

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